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Destan Episode 19 English Subtitle It’s Free | Onubad Media

Destan Episode 19 English Subtitle It’s Free|Onubad Media

Destan Episode 19 English Subtitle It’s Free|Onubad Media

Destan Episode 19 English Subtitle It’s Free|Onubad Media

Destan 19 English Subtitle It’s Free|Onubad Media

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2323 The violinist replied, saying: “Who follows the prohibitions So in fact, he feels fear in the heart. I wouldn’t call this attitude bravery.” Hagen got his comrade’s words right, too, shaking his head.

2324 “If you don’t stop being silly,” said Wolfhart, “I’ll tune your strings so well that you can’t finish them when you’re back on the Rhine; I can’t stand your arrogance anymore.” Watch All Episode

2325 Replied the violinist: “If you disturb the sweet sound in my violin strings, I too shall return to the province of Burgundy and not return. Destan Episode 19 English Subtitle It’s Free | Onubad Media

2326 Hearing this, Wolfhart charged towards him, but his uncle held him tight, and Big Hildebrand did not let go of him. And she shouted at him: “Youth has hit you, have you lost your mind? You will be disgraced by our Lord Dietrich, forever.”

2327 Volker, one of the Horsemen, spoke, said: “Let go of that rearing, roaring lion; Come in front of me! Let me strike him with a blow with my sword so that he can not boast about these things, even if he has defeated many glorious brave men in the world before.”

2328 This defiance brought much wrath to the Verona men; The daring, valiant Wolfhart, like a true lion Grabbing his shield, dashed forward; His war comrades immediately followed him. Watch All Episode

2329 With great strides he went straight to the wall of the palace, But Big Hildebrand again caught up with him at the foot of the stairs; He did not let the valiant lead the fight, and the Enemies quickly prepared for the fight.

2330 Big Hildebrand went upon Hagen, The sword fighting of the two resounded. It was quickly seen that he had received much wrath. Both of the gentlemen; Sparks flew from their striking weapons.

2331 But these two valiant men were separated from each other when the Verona privates got involved in the turmoil of war; Hildebrand suddenly fell away from Hagen. The mighty Wolfhart attacked the violinist at that moment.

2332 A blow landed on Volker’s head, The sword split his helmet, he went in a lot; And the violinist quickly responded, Many sparks came out of his mighty strokes, they flew up to the sky, all the way to the clouds.

2333 Destan Episode 19 English Subtitle It’s Free | Onubad Media With mutual wrath, Flames sprang forth from one another’s armor; then Wolfwein, one of the Lords of Verona, who was waving the Sword in the tumult, intervened, and the two parted; If Yaman hadn’t been brave enough to fight, Wolfwein wouldn’t have left.

2334 The valiant Gunther, the valiant Gunther, to the fight the head of the land of Amelung raised his soldiers; The mighty Han Giselher also covered the beautiful shiny coat with red blood. Watch All Episode

2335 Yavuz was a man Hagen’s brother Dankwart, When he fought Etzel Han’s men before, His deeds remained nothing compared to the present; His enthusiasm for the war was overflowing here.

2336 But on the other hand, Gerbart and Wichard, Helferich and Rischard Proving that Gunther had fought on the bench with his warriors; Wolfbrand was also showing himself with distinction there in the private square.

2337 Big Hildebrand was beating like a dragon, Falling down, many valiant, Lifeless with Wolfhart’s sword strike, into the pool of blood on the ground. He was avenging Rüdeger, these very expensive ones.

2338 Sigesstab, one of the Gentlemen of Verona, He smashed many strong helmets at the head of the enemies; Thus, Dietrich’s sister-child Nam got glory, in the field of valor.

2339 The intrepid Volker saw, by the blows of Sigesstab Many armors were covered with blood; The wrath came, valiant, He leaped towards him. Destan Episode 19 English Subtitle It’s Free | Onubad Media

2340 Thesis took the life of Violinist Volker, Sigesstab; He used a sword with such a skill that he couldn’t defend himself. But, driven by his valor, Hildebrand made him pay for the job. Watch All Episode

2341 “Woe to the lad I love so much,” said Big Hildebrand. “Killed by the hand of Volker, he lies lifeless there! That violinist will not be able to rejoice anymore, by his own ingenuity.” Yigit had never been caught in such anger in his life.

2342 A blow landed on Volker’s top, He shattered the shield, then the helmet; Fragments of these scattered left and right, He died instantly, mighty Violinist. Destan Episode 19 English Subtitle It’s Free | Onubad Media

2343 Dietrich Khan’s men went on the attack, they struck the Burgundian warriors, and they struck, Nice rings broke from knitted armor and fell, Swords whistled through the air, hot blood gushing out from under the helmets.

2344 Hagen of Troneck saw, Volker lies dead; This festivity brought more pain to his heart than any death he had seen in his coming, He began to take revenge, without pitying anyone.

2345 He said, “Big Hildebrand, you won’t enjoy this job you’ve done; my comrade lay on the slumped hand by Hildebrand’s hand, “My best fighting friend ever lay heartily.” He raised his shield even higher, and he attacked like a ferocious wild boar.

2346 The mighty, valiant Helferich cordially received Dankwart. Gunther Han and Giselher were devastated when they saw him fall to the ground in the private square; But before the valiant gave his life, he took his revenge on many enemies.

2347 Many powerful Horsemen from various countries, addicted to Etzel Khan, were fighting against a small number of Burgundian warriors; If the peoples of the religion of Jesus were not against it, they would all form a Union, they would have dominated the unbelievers by their power.

Destan Episode 19 English Subtitle It's Free | Onubad Media
Destan Episode 19 English Subtitle It’s Free | Onubad Media

2348 Meanwhile, back and forth on the sofa. Wolfhart was cutting down Gunther Han men; Thus he completed his third voyage, He brought down many Burgundian valiants. Destan Episode 19 English Subtitle It’s Free | Onubad Media

2349 The mighty Giselher called out to Wolfhart: “So I am lucky to meet such a vicious foe; Intrepid, noble valiant! Come face me!” A fierce battle began between the two immediately. Watch All Episode

2350 Wolfhart made his way and came before the valiant, While he was lowering his swords, both wrists. He came near Giselher in such fury that his feet splattered blood on his head, from the pool of blood on the ground.

2351 Noble Ute’s son gave him a gentle welcome, with very hard, deadly blows he landed on him. Although Wolfhart was also a great warrior, he could not defeat the young Han, a better warrior than him could not be found.

2352 Giselher struck with his sword his knitted armor, When the sword passed through the armor, blood gushed from the wound; Mortally wounded, Dietrich’s addict, None other than Giselher could do this job.

2353 As soon as the valiant Wolfhart heard the wound in his bosom, he threw the shield on his arm, lifted his strong sword, Yaman was sharp, that sword; He shook it with all his might, He tore the helmet to pieces; Giselher remained lifeless.

2354 They tasted bitter death at each other’s hands. No one survived, except Hildebrand the One, one of the Dietrich Han men; He also saw with his own eyes that his nephew fell to the ground, He did not hear this great pain all his life.

2355 All of Gunther’s stalwarts were also cordial, Only two of those Beys remained until the end: a Hagen, and a Gunther Han himself. Hildebrand hastened to her niece. Destan Episode 19 English Subtitle It’s Free | Onubad Media

2356 She took him in her arms, She wanted to carry him out of the palace; But it was too heavy, valiant, it slipped from his hand in blood, He left it there. He opened his eyes and looked at him, mortally wounded:

2357 “Very dear uncle, There is nothing you can do for me now, Don’t be afraid of Hagen, His heart is full of hatred. Destan Episode 19 English Subtitle It’s Free | Onubad Media

2358 If my friends and relatives want to lament me after my death, you tell the closest ones to me so that they never cry, there is no place for this; I die bravely at the hand of a Han.

2359 Moreover, I avenged my own death in advance from the people here, It’s a blessing to shed tears, his wife. If anyone asks, tell me how many people I’ve got, they’re not less than a hundred.”

2360 Hagen also thought of the Violinist at that time, Big Hildebrand had cut him out of his life; He cried out: “The pain you have inflicted on me will not go unpunished, You have laid many of our comrades lifeless!”

2361 He waved his sword at Hildebrand; You would recognize that sword by its humming, it was Balmung, the sword he took from Siegfried when he stabbed him in the back. He defended himself in Hildebrand, he was not a novice in the profession.

2362 Yigit Wolfhart’s uncle he waved his broad sword, and struck Hagen of Troneck with his sharp sword, But he could not injure him, Conversely, Hagen made a wound under his ironclad armor.

2363 When big Hildebrand felt the pain of the wound, she wished that the seahorse Hagen should not give her more trouble; He threw his shield back from his shoulder, Dietrich Han’s man, He fled from or in his wounded state.

2364 There was no one left inside, as I said, but two of them as living persons; there was Gunther Han and his man, Hagen. Bloodied, Big Hildebrand ran off to Dietrich Han, where she delivered the sad news to him.

2365 He saw her sitting, already sad inside; Seeing Hildebrand so bloodied, the darkening in Han’s heart increased, Sezdi asked the great valiant that a disaster had come upon them:

2366 “Söyle usta bahadır, neden kana bulandın? Kim yaptı sana bunu? Sanırım konuklarla bir dövüşe bulaştın; Oysa dövüşmeyi kesin yasaklamıştım sana, iyi olurdu, dinleseydin buyruğumu.”

2367 Dedi o da, “Zor gelir bana bu haberleri vermek; Hagen oldu beni yaralayan Tam sofadan ayrılıp gideceğim sırada; Zor kurtardım canımı o Şeytanın elinden.” Destan Episode 19 English Subtitle It’s Free | Onubad Media

2368 Dedi Verona’lı Han: “Hak etmişsin bunu doğrusu Ben o yiğitlerle barışta kalmaya söz vermişken Barışı bozduğun için; Bana utanç getirecek yerde daha iyi olurdu senin ölüp gittiğin.”

2369 “Kızma o kadar, Han’ım Dietrich, Benimle yoldaşlarıma; yaman oldu başımıza gelen. Rüdeger’in ölüsünü alıp götürmek istedik, Bizi engellemeye kalktı Gunther’in adamları.”

2370 “Eyvahlar olsun bana! Demek Rüdeger’in öldüğü doğru; Her çeşit azabımın üzerine çıktı bu. Soylu Gotelind benim amcamın kızı olur, Vah Pöchlarn’a sığınmış gurbetçilerin başına gelene!”

2371 Öyle derin idi ki, bu ölümden duyduğu yüreğindeki acı, Ağlamaya başladı; “Yazık oldu vefalı savaşlar yoldaşıma, Bu Etzel Han yiğidinin ölümünden dolayı teselli bulmayacağım hiç.”

2372 Sordu Hildebrand’dan: “Söyleyebilir misin bana, Kimdi yiğidi vuran?” Konuştu Bey’i, dedi: “Gernot’tu bunu yapan; Ama o da Rüdeger’in eliyle cansız yıkıldı yere.”

2373 Han buyurdu tez elden: “Beylerbeyi Hildebrand, hemen bildir orduma Çabucak bürünsünler savaş donanımına! Söyle de getirsinler ışıltılı zırhımı, kendim de savaşmaya gideceğim saraya. Hesap soracağım, Burgund ilinden buraya gelenlerden.”

2374 Konuştu Beylerbeyi: “Kiminle gideceksin? Karşında gördüğün var, sağ kalmadı tek erin. Yalnız ben varım artık; hep öldü ötekiler.” Dietrich Han’ın içine oturdu kötü haber; böyle felâket onun gelmemişti başına.

2375 Dedi, “Ölmüş iseler adamlarımın hepsi Bunun anlamı şu ki Yüce Tanrı mutlaka beni defterden sildi. Ben yüce bir Han idim bir zamanlar geçmişte; revadır bana şimdi, zavallı Dietrich dense.”

2376 Sürdürdü sözlerini: “Söyle nasıl oldu da Hepsi canını verdi bu şanlı yiğitlerin, Binbir zorlukta iken çatışmaya girilen yorgun ve bitkin düşman? Mutlaka kötü yazgım yol açtı bu sonuca, yoksa bütün erlerim sağ olurlardı hâlâ.

2377 Vay hâlime benim ki Wolfhart’ımı yitirdim, Keşke ben şu dünyaya hiç mi hiç gelmeseydim. Gitti Sigesstab, Wolfwein; üstüne de Wolfbrand, Amelung ülkesinde yeniden savaşırken kim olacak desteğim?

2378 Öldürülmüş iseler o bahadır Bey’lerim Helferich, Gerbart, Wichard, yasım biter mi benim? Mutluluğumun sona erdiği gündür bugün; Keşke yürek yaralarından can verebilseydi insan;

2379 Bu yoldan kurtuluşa hemen razı olurdum. Şimdi, de bana dostum: Hiç yaşayan kaldı mı yabancılar içinde?” Dedi Koca Hildebrand: “Tanrı da biliyor ya hepsini Ecel aldı, Bir Gunther Han, yanında Bey Hagen ile kaldı.” HOW DIETRICH DEFEATED HAGEN WITH GUNTHER

2380 Gone Dietrich Han found himself an armor, Help Hildebrand put it on.It was so loud that it cried out, The whole mansion resounded from this wail. Destan Episode 19 English Subtitle It’s Free | Onubad Media

2381 Again, the fire of war was in his heart, He girded on his weapon, it is a wrath. He also took a solid shield, put it on his arm, and Hildebrand and he set off at once.

2382 Said Hagen of Troneck: “I see, Dietrich Han is coming this way; he obviously wants to avenge the mourning we have put into him; It will be clear today who is at the head of the line in the garden.

2383 Verona Inn Dietrich, let him consider himself very strong and fierce as he wishes. To avenge what happened here, if he passes, I will attack him, I will face him.”

2384 He heard what was said in both Dietrich and Hildebrand; The inn went to that place where the two of them stood, leaning against the wall of the Sofa, outside the palace. He held his strong shield and planted it in front of him, at his feet.

2385 Heartbroken and grieving, Dietrich Han spoke: “You, O Gunther with a lot of power! Why did you do this to a brave man who lost his homeland? Have I done anything wrong to you in the past? Now I am deprived of my refuge, gentlemen.

2386 Haven’t you counted enough that you killed Rüdeger? Now you’ve killed all my men! However, such evil did not come to you from me. Destan Episode 19 English Subtitle It’s Free | Onubad Media

2387 Think about your own situation, what happened to you; Remember, didn’t the death of your friends in the war hurt you? Ah, how Rüdeger’s death mourned me, devastated me!

2388 No one in the world can suffer a greater pain; But it never occurred to him to think of the suffering we both went through. Whoever I know as a friend died in your hand; I will not wail and mourn for my kinship that will never end.”

2389 “No, it’s all our fault,” said Hagen. “By the door all your valiants are in War gear, in great numbers; You have not been told, the truth of this event.” Destan Episode 19 English Subtitle It’s Free | Onubad Media

2390 “What else did I have to learn? Hildebrand told me that my soldiers, who came from the country of Amelung, said that Rüdeger’s body should be taken out of the sofa and given to us; You mocked them all at once.”

2391 The Khan of the Rhine clan spoke: “They said, “Let’s take Rüdeger away; I blocked this that’s right. But I wanted to destroy Etzel Han, I had no intention of upsetting his valiants. Then Wolfhart began to be aggressive.”

2392 Said the Inn of Verona: “Now there is only one solution; Noble Gunther, show your virtue here and now take care of the situation, The harm you have done to me will thus be removed.

2393 Surrender both yourself and your Bey, Entrust me, I will protect you as much as I can so that the Huns do not do anything to any of you. You don’t see anything other than honesty and kindness from Dietrich.”

2394 “If God wrote it, break it,” Hagen said then. “He will stand fully equipped for war, yet two valiant men will surrender to you! This kind of behavior is very embarrassing.”

2395 Replied Dietrich: “Don’t underestimate what I just said; Here you two, with what you’ve done It’s like you stabbed my heart deeply. This must be the requirement of justice, so that now you must surrender yourself to me.

2396 I stretch out my hand and promise you on my honor, I will ride with you and take you to your country myself. I will defend you, even if it has to die, if anyone reaches out to your life-glory; If you surrender to me, I will forcefully suppress the pain inside me.”

2397 “Don’t be too persistent,” Hagen said. “If it is heard and said that we savvy people who are notorious for their insolence have surrendered to You, it will disgrace us; There’s also this situation: I don’t see anyone else here besides Hildebrand.”

2398 Big Hildebrand replied: “It would not be shameful for you to accept my Khan’s offer of peace; I think you will soon regret that you did not accept the offer.”

Destan Episode 19 English Subtitle | Onubad Media


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